Title: Hydrogen R&D in France: A brief overview of the French hydrogen research network
Author: Prof. Olivier Joubert, Director of The French National Research Network on Hydrogen Energy, Nantes University & CNRS, The Institute of Materials Jean-Rouxel
Abstract: In France, the Research network on Hydrogen energy (FRH2) brings together about 300 experts working in the field of hydrogen. FRH2 aims to promote and structure an interdisciplinary field of research with competences in solid oxide or proton exchange polymer membrane fuel cells/ electrolysers, hydrogen storage and systems. This presentation will give a brief overview of this CNRS network including some highlights.
Biography: Olivier JOUBERT (1965) is presently full professor in Chemistry of Materials at University of Nantes and is Chair of electrochemical storage and conversion of energy group (ST2E) of « Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (CNRS-IMN) ». He is a solid-state chemist and his major research interests revolve around development of new materials for technological applications such as high and intermediate temperature ceramic Solid Oxide (SO) fuel or electrolyser cells (SOFC and SOEC). He is co-author of 130 publications, 30 invited talks and 5 patents. Olivier Joubert is chairing the French Research Network on Hydrogen Energy (FRH2) which assembles the major French academic research groups in the field of electrolysis production and storage of hydrogen and also its conversion to electricity using fuel cell.